I use this for my classroom jobs. I put the students names on index cards and move them down each day. I want to fix up something cuter, but ran out of time before school, maybe later.
These are the words I put on door to go with my pigs programmed with each student name. P I G S:
Prepared Intelligent Growing Students.. I wanted to put paper on the door, but as I said, I ran out of time. They were thrilled to see their pigs anyway!
I made this from an idea off of pinterest. It is hanging outside my classroom door to let others know where we are at when we leave the room. I keep forgetting to move it back when we return!! I will have to get used to that!
And last... a dear friend of my daughter made this for me to hang outside my classroom. Don't you love the pig with the bling-bling!! She is so talented and I absolutely love it! Sorry I have been gone for so long, won't be gone this long again, unless something drastic happens!! Hope you like the pics of some of my new things. I was so excited to have them in my classroom
Happy Wednesday!!