Well summer is almost upon us and I know that everyone is super busy!!
Do you need some plans to help you finish out the year?
I just completed my new unit and it is a book study!
Have you ever read the story "Not Now!" Said the Cow? Well, it is a cute story that is similar to The Little Red Hen.
This is a preview, but it does not show everything! It has 49 pages complete with lesson plans!
This is a preview, but it does not show everything! It has 49 pages complete with lesson plans!
If you would like to check it out, click on the pic!!
For the next 48 hours this item with be half price---50% off!
Get it while it is on sale!! It is $4.00 on sale!!
Here are some pics of the popcorn craft that goes with the story.
I also have a different version of the writing that is in the unit and I am going to give it to you!!
This is used after reading the story and after the students have eaten regular popcorn, cheese popcorn, and caramel popcorn. They then write about which was their favorite!
Use this as a fun end of the year activity!! Eat some popcorn and write about your favorite!!
Something BIG coming up this weekend!! Wait until you see it!! Here is a little look see!
Better come back Sunday and check it out!!